Bisque Ware

Sundry Tools

A small section that includes Palette Knives and Fettling Knives.
Found items: 5

Potters Knife
Stock Code: 6300

Potters Knife

A general purpose knife for cutting leatherhard clay and fettling etc.

3 in stock
£6.12 (Ex VAT)
Mold Trimming Tool
Stock Code: 6317

Mold Trimming Tool

Also known as a "Lucy Tool"

2 in stock
£2.23 (Ex VAT)
Tapered Knife
Stock Code: 6318

Tapered Knife

To trim waste clay from slip caste ware.

Temporarily out of stock
£4.36 (Ex VAT)
Palette Knife
Stock Code: 6319

Palette Knife

Ideal for colours or oxides.

Temporarily out of stock
£1.93 (Ex VAT)
Bow Trimmer
Stock Code: 6395

Bow Trimmer

Temporarily out of stock
£3.30 (Ex VAT)

Found items: 5